Thursday, August 6, 2015

Black and White Nails

Today I have more nail art (obviously) and a new nail length! I decided to chop off my nails because my long nails were getting in the way. I had to extra careful taking out and putting in my contacts because of the poking hazard. To trim my nails, I marked where I wanted to cut with white acrylic paint and then used some nail trimmers to cut just above the the line. Then I used a nail file to smooth the cut edge and shape my nails square. Onto the nail art!

To start this simple mani I applied base coat and then painted my index and pinky fingers white, my middle finger black, and my ring and thumb gold. I then applied a top coat to my white nails and let it completely dry. Using Scotch tape I cut into thin strips, I applied them horizontally across my nail and painted over them with black polish. Immediately after applying the black polish, I removed the tape and corrected any imperfections. On my middle nail I used white acrylic paint and dotting tool to create rows of dots. Lastly I applied a single black dot near my cuticle on my ring and thumb nails. Once everything was completely dry, I applied a quick dry top coat to seal the design.

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